Customer satisfaction comes first

At KL-Lämpö Oy, the customer always comes first. We develop all our operations based on what brings value to our customer – after all, it is our customers’ success that justifies KL-Lämpö Oy’s existence.

Our references

  • St1
    Kotkan Energia
    Kainuun Voima
    Store Enso
  • Nevel
    Mäntän Energia
    Lahti Energia
    Lempäälän Lämpö/Lempäälän Energia
    Kurikan Kaukolämpö
  • Caverion
    Viafin Gas
    Lännen Isännöintipalvelu
    Vantaan Energia

High-quality partnership

KL-Lämpö Oy offers comprehensive water treatment services for industry, power plants and building maintenance. We offer a wide range of services and products that improve the energy efficiency and reliability of heat-transfer, cooling and energy production systems. We offer customer-oriented partnership which is based on high-quality water analyses and research activities conducted in our own laboratory.

What are the benefits of optimizing a heat-transfer system?

  1. Longer technical life
  2. Improved reliability of operation
  3. Optimal water quality
  4. Increased energy efficiency
  5. Considerable cost savings
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